====== Table of translation terms ====== ^ Portuguese ^ English ^ Poll ^ Result ^ Notes ^ | via pública | a) thoroughfare | | | | | faixa de rodagem | a) roadway | | | | | berma | a) hard shoulder | | | | | passeio | a) sidewalk, b) pavement, c) footpath, d) footway, e) walkway | Ana[a] | | | | trânsito | a) traffic | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ====== Rode Code (2005) ====== ==== Sources ==== * [[http://www.mai.gov.pt/data/menu_esquerdo/prevencao%20seg%20rodoviaria/%7B3F4DCB20-B8B3-4DB6-ACAB-CAEB65BB5D8D%7D_CodigodeEstrada_DL_44-2005.pdf|Código da Estrada]] [2005] * [[http://www.mai.gov.pt/data/menu_esquerdo/prevencao|Sistemas de sinalização luminosa, bem como os reflectores dos velocípedes, quando circulem na via pública]] [2005] * [[http://www.estradasdeportugal.pt/docs/00020119.pdf|Regulamento de Sinalização do Trânsito (RST)]] [1998] * [[http://www.dgv.pt/UpLoadedFiles/Sinalizacaorodoviaria.pdf|Guia de Sinalização Rodoviária]] [2003] ===== Main issues ===== * Definition of velocipede. * Overtaking. * Positioning on the road. * Give way general rule. * Child transport. * Cargo transport. * Mandatory cycle lanes. * Excluded users of cycle lanes. * Fines. * Mandatory helmet wearing. * Child trailers - a grey area. * Riding single file mandatory. * Adult transport (passengers forbidden). * ... ===== Title I - General Dispositions ===== ==== Chapter I - General Principles ==== === Article 1 - Legal Definitions === * Hard shoulder - surface of the thoroughfare, adjacent to the roadway, not especially destined to vehicular traffic. [Ana: Preciso de ajuda aqui, isto não soa bem...] * Sidewalk/pavement/footpath/footway/walkway - * Special track - === Article 3 - Freedom of traffic === ====== Contributors ====== Ana Pereira - anapereira @ bicicultura . org ~~DISCUSSION~~