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Tabela de Conteúdos
Traffic Laws for Cyclists
This is a collaborative open project that aims at gathering detailed information about the Traffic Codes (or Street, Road or Highway Codes) enforced in european countries (a geographical focus, but contributions about other countries, such as Brasil or USA are welcome).
Project's contacts:
Webmaster: Bruno Santos - brunosantos @ bicicultura . org
Content: Mário Alves - mariojalves @ gmail . com
Content: Ana Pereira - anapereira @ bicicultura . org is a development platform for projects from and for the portuguese cycling community. It's an informal, private but open endeavour. Its purpose is to aggregate and promote initiatives that showcase, develop and expand the culture of cycling and the cycling in culture, defend and expand the legal rights of cyclists (and pedestrians), and promote awareness and debate of all things cycling (mainly as a transportational and recreative activity).
Road Codes
- Traffic rules and regulations for cyclists and their vehicles - European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO)
- Comparação entre 12 Códigos da Estrada Europeus (Mário Alves) [2005]
- Code de la route [1975]
- See also the section Mobilité - Portail
- “Lights of my Life - Danish Bike Light Regulations” (Mikael Colville-Andersen) [2007]
- “Rock and Rules - Wider, Longer, Higher” (Cycles' legal specifications.) (Mikael Colville-Andersen) [2009]
- Código da Estrada [2005]
- Reglamento General de Circulación (summary for bicycles from ConBici - more relevant legislation gathered by them, here) [2004]
United Kingdom
- “Biking Rules - A new street code for NYC cyclists”, Transportation Alternatives
- A video explaining the Idaho Stop Law (“rolling stop”, turns stop signs into give way signs).
- A slideshow of a seminar by the ONG Transporte Ativo here [2008].
Related Legislation
A comparative
Help us find and translate the relevant data for cyclists in your country's Road Code.
Please always include a reference (with a link, whenever possible) to the source of the information you share.
Formatted text makes it easier for others to read it and search it.
If it's OK, leave your contact (name and e-mail address) so you can be reached by others.
On a subsequent phase we might be able to create a comparative chart.